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[September 23, 1914.

two, more exhaustive of audience, followed when Bonar Law, having concluded his speech, shook from off his feet the dust of the House and walked out, accompanied by entire body of Opposition.

Mr. Flavin, not liking to see Front Opposition Bench desolate, moved down from accustomed seat in Irish quarter and temporarily assumed place and attitude of Leader of Opposition.

Byles of Bradford proposed to offer a few words of counsel and farewell. His interposition received with such shout of contumely from friends and neighbours that he incontinently dropped back into his seat.

Premier observed walking towards glass door under the Gallery. Surely he too was not going to leave us? No. Was merely acting in accordance with immemorial custom that when Minister or Member "brings in" a Bill he must start on his journey at the Bar. As he walked to the Table, a sheet of foolscap paper in right hand, Liberals and Nationalists leapt to their feet waving hats and handkerchiefs, cheering like madmen.

Business done.—Bill postponing operation of Home Rule and Welsh Church Acts till close War carried through all its stages.

House of Lords, Thursday.Secretary of State for War takes kindly to new position. His statement to-day, explanatory of general military situation, a model of lucidity and brevity. Had much of the charm of French's historic despatch, the modesty and simplicity of which delighted everybody. One omission in the document Kitchener generously supplied. French said nothing of his own share in accomplishment of feat of arms rarely paralleled. Amid cheers unusually warm for this Chamber, Kitchener paid tribute to "the consummate skill and calm courage of the Commander-in-Chief."

Tribute also paid in another quarter, the more valuable as it came from a man of few words and no disposition towards flattery. "The Territorial Forch is making great strides in efficiency," the War Lord said, "and will before many months be ready to take a share in the campaign. This force is proving its military value to the Empire by the willing subordination of personal feelings to the public good in the acceptance of whatever duty may be assigned to it in any portion of the Empire."

Business done.—Suspensory Bill agrees to without insistence on St. Aldwyn's Amendment to Welsh Church Disestablishment Bill.

House of Commons, Friday.—Circulation of Official Report of Commission of Inquiry into Atrocities in Belgium creates profound sensation.

When the Manager of the Itinerant Theatrical Company of which Nicholas Nickleby and Smike were for a time Members caused the insertion in a local paper of a paragraph stating "Mr. Crummles is not a Prussian," there was some obscurity about his object. It is now clear that his instinct was sure, his prevision acute. After experience of last seven weeks all decent-minded men would like it to be known that they are not Prussians.

Business done.—Parliament prorogued.


in the Grand Fleet.

[There are over 500 naval cadets, aged 15 to 17, at present in the Fleet, serving as midshipmen.]

Young man, a little year ago
At Osborne (where the admirals grow)
I say you fall on a mimic foe
With tackle and shove and thrust.
There by the jolly trim canteen,
Where the figure-head flaunts her golden sheen,
You fought, or cheered, for your Term fifteen,
As a fellow of mettle must…
Yet now those deeds seem mighty small
You dared in the case for a leather ball—
Now that you trip
On His Majesty's Ship
Playing the finest game of all!

A year ago, a naval fight
Was a tantalising dim delight
That fed your dreams on a Wednesday night,
When History prep. was through.
Yet yours was a Destiny strong and clear
That ever, unknown, was stalking near;
And now in a flash, it's here, it's here—
Now are your dreams come true!…
There are grey old admirals in our land
Who never have stood where now you stand,
Here on your feet
In His Majesty's Fleet—
With a real live enemy hard at hand!

Admiral of the Atlantic (to himself). It is My Imperial pleasure to present You with the Order of the Masthead Broom (First Class) in recognition of Your conspicuous success in sweeping the seas."

The Wolff. "Good morning, my dear Little Red Riding Hood. Wouldn't you like me to tell you one of my pretty tales?"

Little Miss Holland. "Thanks; but I'm not Little Red Riding Hood, and I don't want any of your fairy stories."

Britannia to the French Generalissimo:—

À l'honoré de nos deux nations
J'offre—cent mille felicitations!"