Page:Punch vol 1.djvu/286

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Mr. AUGUSTUS SWIVEL, (Professor of the Drum and Mouth-organ, and Stage-Manager to Punch's Theatre,) loguitur.

PATRONS OF "PUNCH,"—Ladies and Gentlemen,—

We has dropped the curtain and rowled up the baize on half-annivel performance of "Punch." The pleasing task now dewolves upon me, on behoof of the Lessee and the whole strength off the Puppets, to come forrard and acknowledge the liberal showers of applause and 'apence what a generous and enlightened British public has powered upon the performances and pitched into our goss. Steamilated by this St. Swiffin's of success, the Lessee fearlessly launches his bark upon the high road of public favor, and enters his Theaytre for the grand steeple-chase of general approbation.

Ourn hasn't been a bed of roses. We've had our rivals and our troubles. We came out as a great hint, and everybody took us.

First and foremost, the great Juggeler in Printing-house Square, walks in like the Sheriff and takes our comic effects.