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Purgatory proved, illuſtrated, &c.

And de Shubject I chuſe to inſiſt upon as de moſt proper for diſh occaſion, iſh Purgatory : (de moſt Advantageous and beneficial doctrine of our Shurch) de method I ſhall obferve ish diſh:

Firſt, I ſhall prove to you, Dat dere iſh really ſuch, a plaſh as Purgatory, or a Limbus Patrum, where de ſhouls of all our friends, depart diſh life, do go, and are purge from deir remaining ſhins and pollutions.

Shecondly, I vill deſcribe diſh Purgatory to you.

Turdly, I vill ſhow you de Pennance and Purgation of dat Purgatory.

And Laſtly, Apply de doctrine to diſh preſhent occaſion.

For proofs of de firſt ting den: Dat dere iſh really ſuch a plaſh aſh Purgatory, or a Limbus Patrum, where de ſhouls of all our friends depart diſh life, do go and are purge from deir remaining ſhin and pollution: I need ſhay no more, to you who are Catholics, den diſh, Dat it iſh a doctrine upheld by our unerring counſhels, confirmed by de Pope himſhelf, and ſtamped vid de able autority of de Shurch: Fat need you, who believe in that Shurch already, any more proof for a doctrine, den dat ſhe iſn your Oracle, and your infallible Guide. She iſh in de plaſh of your reaſon, ſenſes and underſtanding, and has power to ſhudge and decree, and determine, and dictate, and ordain,