Page:Pushkin - Russian Romance (King, 1875).djvu/173

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and striped blancmange. On leaving the table, we went into the garden to have a game at catch-play, and there the young master joined us."

"Well! is it true that he is good-looking?"

"Wonderfully good-looking handsome, one may say. Erect, tall, with such a colour———"

"Really? and I always thought that he was pale. Well? what did he look like? Sad—pensive?"

"Dear, no! I have never met with any one more lively than he is. He took it into his head to join in the game with us."

"To join in the game with you! Impossible!"

"Very possible. And what is more, he would catch and kiss us!"

"Say what thou wilt, Nastia, it is a story."

"Indeed, it is not. I could hardly get rid of him. He would spend the whole day with us."

"How is it, then, people say he is in love, and will look at no one?"

"I do not know; as to myself he looked even too much at me, as also at Tánia, and the clerk's daughter, and at Pasha Kolbiúsky also; and, truth to say, he offended no one—he is so indulgent."

"Now you surprise me! And what do they say of him at home?"

"They say he is a capital gentleman—so good, so cheerful. One thing only is amiss he likes running after the girls too much. But, in my opinion, that is no great harm: he will sober down in time."