Page:Quackery Unmasked.djvu/111

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the second attenuation. In order to make the third, all this ten pounds must be mixed and dynamized as before, with one hundred times that quantity, which would be one thousand pounds; and if we attempt to make the fourth attenuation from this, it would require no less than a hundred thousand pounds of sugar. So that it becomes evident that we cannot proceed in this way. But the high potencies may nevertheless be obtained in the following manner. After the first hundred grains have been sufficiently dynamized, one single grain is to be taken from this mass, and added to the second one hundred grains, and the whole dynamized as before; and one grain is to be taken from this, to make the third; and so on—so that ninety-nine grains of every attenuation is thrown away, and only a single grain is carried forward into the last attenuation, which, let it be the thirtieth or thousandth, consists only of one hundred grains.

Now let us reflect a moment upon this process, conducted strictly according to the rules laid down by Hahnemann. He orders a porcelain mortar to be used, and that each trituration shall