Page:Quackery Unmasked.djvu/55

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ed the world and peopled it with living beings, wisely and benevolently fitted everything to their use. Accordingly he spread over the whole habitable globe, two substances, which were constantly required for human sustenance. These are carbonate of lime and common salt. The one seasons our drink, and the other our food. We swallow both in the first act of deglutition, and continue to use them to the last hour of life. The Most High, when he had finished the work of creation, pronounced it all very good. But Hahnemann discovered that this declaration was untrue—he has discovered that these articles, taken in such large quantities, are poisonous, and tend to ruin the system and destroy life. In his Organon, page 55, he says: a It was high time for the wise and benevolent Creator and Preserver of mankind to put a stop to this abomination, and to command a cessation of these tortures." And again he adds, "It was high time that He should permit the discovery of Homœopathy." And what are the remedies which this beatific discovery have brought to light? They consist in giving the