Page:Quackery Unmasked.djvu/76

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melancholy, &c.; Suffering of drunkards; Evil effects of a chill in the water; Cachexia from the abuse of quinine or of iodium; Atrophy of scrofulous infants and atrophy of grown persons; Scrofulous affections; Icterus; Chlorosis?; Dropsical affections; Nervous weakness of hysterical persons with fainting fits; Spasms and convulsions; Epileptic convulsions; Paralysis?; Muscular weakness with trembling of the limbs; Trembling of drunkards; Miliary eruptions, nettle-rash and itchy eruptions; Plectonoides and furfuraceous tetters; Gnawing tetters; Putrid, cancerous and gangrenous ulcers; Carbuncles; Sanguineous pemphigus; Varioloid diseases and smallpox; Warts?; Chilblains?; Varices: Coma vigil and coma somnolentum; Intermittent fevers, even those from the abuse of quinine, and chiefly tertian and quartan fevers; Typhus fevers with symptoms of putridity; Inflammatory fevers with bilious or mucous state; Slow, hectic fevers; Gastric fevers; Religious melancholy: Gloomy melancholy, even with inclination to suicide; Mental alienation of drunkards; Madness?; Imbecility; Softness of the brain?: Megrim; Scald-head with swelling of the glands of the nape of the neck, and of the neck: Ophthalmia (arthritic?), Rheumatic? Ophthalmia in consequence of griping, or of a chill in the water: