Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/196

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Berlin. Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Vol. xx. Heft 2 (continued).

Koenig. — Ueber einige Diorite. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der triklinischen Feldspathe, 365.

Pfaff. — Beitrage zur iiiechanisclien Geologie aus dem frankisclien Jura, 389 (plate).

Pfllicker y Eico. — Das Rliat in der Umgegend von Gottingen, 397.

Malir. — TJeber Sphenophyllum Thoni^ eine neue Art aus dem Stein- kolilengebirge von Ilnienau, 433 (plate).

Berendt. — Nacktrag zur niarinen Diluvial-Fauna in West-Preussen, 435 (plate).

Rammelsberg. — UeLer die Constitution des Apophyllits und Okenits, 441.

Breslan. Plinfiindvierzigster Jahres-Bericht der schlesischen Gesell- schaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur 1867. 1868.

Pomer. — Ueber vier neuerscMeneue palaontologisck-geognostisclie Sckriften, 27.

. Ein Relief-Modell des Aetna von T. Dickert, 29.

. Ueber vier Sectionen der geognostischen Karte von Ober- sclilesien, 31.

Ueber Knocben von diluvialen Saugetbieren, 32.

Punge. — Vorkommen und Gewinnung des Bernsteins im Samland, sowie dessen Verwertbung, 32.

Goppert. — Die Abstammung des Bernsteins, 35.

. Atlas von die Steinkoble bildenden Pfianzen, 41.

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 37th Meeting ; held at Dundee, 1867. 1868.

H. Woodward. — Structure and Classification of the Fossil Crustacea, 44.

A. Newton. — Extinct Didine Birds of the Mascarene Islands, 287.

A. Geikie. — Address to the Geological Section, 49.

D. T. Ansted. — Passage of Schists into Granite in the Island of Cor- sica, 54.

. Lagoons of Corsica, 64.

Duke of Argyll. — Granites and other Pocks of Ben More, 55.

F. Brome. — Explorations in the Gibraltar Caves, ^'o.

W. Carruthers. — Enumeration of British Graptolites, 57.

. Calamitese and Fossil Equisetaceae, 68.

C. Collingwood. — Geology of North Formosa, 58.

. Geolog}^ of the Islands round the North of Formosa, 68.

F. G. Davis. — Calamine Deposits of Sardinia, 58.

H. S. Ellis. — Mammalian Remains from the Submerged Forest in Barnstaple Bay, 59.

C. Le Neve Foster. — Perseberg Iron-Mines, Sweden, 60.

J. Gunn. — Tertiary and Quaternary Deposits in the Eastern Counties with reference to Periodic Oscillations of Level and Climate, 60.

Harkness and Nicholson. — Coniston Group of the Lake District, 61.

D. Milne-Home. — Old Sea-cliffs and Submarine Banks of the Frith of Forth, 61,

E. Hull. — Structure of the Pendle Range of Hills, as illustrating the South-easterly Attenuation of the Carboniferous Sedimentary Rocks of the North of England, 62.

— Relative Geological Ages of the principal Physical Features of the Carboniferous District of Lancashire, 63.