Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/294

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[Feb. 24,

§ 3. Authorities. — The various Museums in which the species mentioned in the foregoing table are preserved, together with the authorities on which some of the determinations were made, are arranged in the following order : —

Authorities for Cave Mammalia.

Bacon's Hole. — Swansea Mus., on Dr. Falconer's authority. Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii. pp. 183, 325, 340, 349, 501.

Banwell, — Beard Collection, Taunton Museum. The remains ascribed to this locality in Oxford and London were obtained from some of the Mendip caves.

Bench Cave. — On the authority of Mr. W. A. Sanford.

Berry Head (Ashhole Cavern). — Brit. Museum. Owen, Brit. Foss. Mammals.

Bleadon. — Mus. Taunton.

Bosco's Hole. — Swansea Mus., on Dr. Falconer's authority, Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii. pp. 510, 589.

Boughton Cave. — Brit. Mus.; Mus. Oxford; Geol. Soc. ; Chichester; Sir Ph. Egerton ; Lord Euniskillen.

Box Hill. — The remains were exhibited at a meeting of the British Association at Bath.

Brixham. — Sir Ph. Egerton ; Brit. Mus. I have to thank Mr. George Busk, F.R.S., for a perfect list of species from this cave.

BuRRiNGTON. — Beard Coll., Mus. Taunton.

Caswell Bay. — Mus. Swansea; Oxford.

Cefn. — Mus. Sir Philip Egerton ; Dr. Falconer, Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii. pp. 210, 541.

COYGAU Cave. — Coll. Mr. Hicks (St. Davids); Mr. Allen, Regent's Park.

Crawley Rock. — Mus. Oxford.

Crow Hole. — Swansea Mus., on Dr. Falconer's authority, Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii. p. 519.

Deborah Den. — Swansea Mus,, on Dr. Falconer's authority, Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii. p. 467.

DuRDHAM Down. — Mus. Bristol ; Lord Euniskillen.

HuTTON. — Mus. Taunton.

Kent's Hole. — Geol. Soc. Mus. ; Collection of Sir Ph. Egerton ; Mus.

of Coll. Surg., of Geol. Survey, of Oxford, of Lord Euniskillen.

KiRBY Moorside. — Mus. Coll. Sing.

KiRKDALE. — Brit. Mus. ; Mus. Coll. Surg. ; Geol. Soc. ; Oxford ; Sir Ph.

Egerton ; Lord Euniskillen.

Llandebie. — Oxford Mus.

Long Hole. — On Dr. Falconer's authority, Palaeont. Mem. vol. ii.

pp. 400, 525, 538.

MiNCHiN Hole. — Brit. Mus. ; Swansea Mus., on the authority of Dr.

Falconer and Mr. W. A. Sanford, Palseont. Mem. vol. ii. pp. 181,

184, 325, 340, 352, 507, 589.

North Hill Tor. — Falconer's Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 457.

Oreston. — Brit. Mus. ; Mus. of Leeds, Jermyn Street, and Geol. Society.

Paviland. — Mus. Oxford ; Swansea. I am indebted to Dr. Falconer and

Mr. W. A. Sanford for part of these determinations.

Pleasley Vale. — Mus. Geological Survey.

Portland Fissure. — Mus. Oxford; Geological Society.

Ravenscliff. — On the authority of Dr. Falconer, Palseont. Mem. vol. ii.

p. 619.