Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/316

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Berlin. Monatsbericht der konigL-preussischen Akademie der Wis- senschaften zu Berlin. July and August 1868.

E. Reusch. — Kornerprobe am zweiachsigen Glimmer, 428.

Bordeaux. Memoires de la Societe des Sciences Physiques et Natu- relles de Bordeaux. Tome v. Avee Extraits des Proces-verbaux et Bulletin Bibliographique. 1867.

Boston (U.S.). Memoirs read before the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. i. Part 3. 1868.

W. T. Brigham. — Notes on the Volcanic Phenomena of the Hawaiian Islands, with a description of modern Eruptions, 341 (4 plates).

. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. xi. pp. 97-486 (1867 and 1868).

H. Mann. — Crater of Haleakala (Hawaiian Islands), 112.

S. H. Scudder. — Fossil Insects from the Colorado, 117.

A. L. Fleury. — Rocks in Nature and in the Arts, 141.

A. Agassiz. — Position of the Sandstone of a portion of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, 244.

E. S. Morse. — Shell -heaps at Goose Island, 301.

L. Agassiz. — Antiquity of Man, 304.

W. T. Brigham.— Form of Volcanic Craters, 321.

A. S. Bickmore. — ^Notes of a short journey on the island of Yesso, 327.

J. B. Perry. — Queries on the Red Sandstone of Vermont, and its relations, 341.

S. H. Scudder. — Fossil Insects from the Coal-measures, 401.

Breslau. Abhandlungen der schlesischen GeseUschaft fiir vaterlan- dische Cultur, 1867-68.

. Verzeichniss der in den Schriften der schlesischen GeseUschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur von 1804-1863 enthaltenen Aufsatze.

Calcutta. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Proceedings. Nos. 6-8. June to August 1868.

W. T. Blanford. — Geology of Abyssinia, 169.

Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. New Series. No. 147. Part i. No. 1, and Part ii. No. 3.

Cambridge (U.S.). Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. vii. pp. 185-344 (1866-67).

T. Sterry Hunt.— The Object and Method of Mineralogy, 238. Cambridge and Boston (U.S.). Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. New Series. Vol. ix. Part 1. 1867.

C. M. Warren and H. F. Storer. — Examination of Naphtha obtained from a Rangoon Petroleum, 288.

Chemical Society. Journal. Second Series. Vol. vi. October to December 1868.