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Paris. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences. Deuxieme Semestre 1868. Tome lxvii. Nos. 7-22 (continued).

F. Pissis. — Tremblement de terre eprouve le 13 aout 1868 dans la partie occidentale de l'Amerique du sud, 1066.

— Simonin. — Tremblement de terre ressenti en Californie le 21 octobre, 1069.

C. Grad. — Constitution et origine des lacs des Vosges, 1071.

G. Ville. — Sulfate d'ammoniaque dans les lagoni de la Toscane, 1075.

—. Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Tome iii. Fasc. 3 & 4. 1867.

—. Tome iv. Fasc. 1 & 2. 1868.

Philadelphia. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. X. No. 77.

Dr. Hayden. — Remarks and observations in regard to the Lignite- beds of the country on the Upper Tributaries of the Missouri, 300.

J. L. Smith. — New Meteoric Iron from Mexico, 330.

Photographic Journal. Nos. 198-200. October to December 1868.

Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. New Series. No. 32. October 1868.

T. H. Huxley. — On some organisms living at great depths in the North Atlantic Ocean, 203.

J. Moggridge. — On the " Muffa " of the sulphur-springs at Valdieri, 223.

Quarterly Journal of Science. No. 20. October 1868.

H. W. Crosskey. — Post-tertiary beds of Norway and Scotland, 461.

A. H. Green. — Iron-pyrites mines of Andalucia, 468 (plate).

Royal Geographical Society. Proceedings. Vol. xii. No. 5. October 1868.

Bishop of Honolulu. — Sandwich Islands, 305.

Tennant. — Diamonds in Cape Colony, 322.

Bickmore. — Description of the Banda Islands, 324.

Cockburn. — Physical Features of Belize, 341.

Royal Society. Proceedings. Vol. xvi. Nos. 104 & 105. 1868.

St. Louis. Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of St. Louis. Vol. ii. Part 3. 1868.

C. C. Parry. — Passage through the Great Canon of the Colorado, 499.

E. Harrison. — Age of the Porphyry hills of south-east Missouri, 504.

G. C. Swallow. — Geology of Kansas, 507.

J. Marcou. — Dyas in Nebraska (translation), 562.

N. Holmes. — Loess and Drift, 565.

Salem. Proceedings of the Essex Institute. Vol. v. Nos. 5 & 6. January and April 1868.

Eozoon canadense, 110.