Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/479

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Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Vol. iii. Nos. 3 & 4. From the Natural-History Society of Montreal.

T. Macfarlane.—On the Geological Formation of Lake Superior, 177, 241.

A. T. Drummond.—The Distribution of Plants in Canada, in some of its Relations of Physical and past Geological Conditions, 161.

H. W. Crosskey.—On the Relation between the Glacial Deposits of Scotland and those of Canada, 207.

C. F. Hartt.—On a Subdivision of the Acadian Carboniferous Limestones, with a Description of a Section across these Rocks at Windsor, N.S., 212.

W. E. Logan.—New Specimens of Eozoon, 306.

J. W. Dawson.—On Eozoon Canadense, with Notes by W. B. Carpenter, 312.

— —Notes on supposed Burrows of Worms in the Laurentian Rocks of Canada, 321.

Chemical News. Vol. xix. Nos. 474-481.

Chemical Society. Journal. Second Series. Vol. vii. January and February 1869.

Christiania. Det Kongelige Norske Frederiks-Universitets Aarsberetning for 1867. 1868.

— —Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania. Aar 1867. 1868.

Sexe.—En Notits om Oen Maaln, 12.

M. Sars.—Fossiler fra Skotlands og Nordamerikas Glacialformation, 51.

Kjerulf.—Om Conglomeraterne i det throndhjemske Skifer-Felt, 90.

T. Dahll.—Om Finmarkens Geologi, 213.

— —Register til Christiania Videnskabsselskabs Forhandlingar 1858-67. 1868.

Colliery Guardian. Vol. xvii. Nos. 419-430.

Copenhagen. Ofversigt af Kongligen Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar. 1868. No. 8.

Darmstadt. Notizblatt des Vereins fur Erdkunde und verwandte Wissenschaften zu Darmstadt, und des mittelrheinischen geologischen Vereins. Dritte Folge. Heft 6. (1867.)

R. Ludwig.—Meeresthon-Schichten auf der projectirten Eisenbahnlinie in Rheinhessen, 106.

Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. Report and Transactions. Vol. ii. Part 2. (1868.)

T. M. Hall.—Mineral localities of Devonshire, 332.

E. Vivian.—Evidences of Glacial Action in South Devon, 357.

G. W. Ormerod.—Pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium, 383.

W. Pengelly.—Condition of some of the Bones in Kent's Cavern, 407.

— —Submerged Forest and Pebble-ridge of Barnstaple Bay, 415.

— —History of the Discovery of Fossil Fish in the Devonian Rocks of Devon and Cornwall, 423.

— —Literature of Kent's Cavern prior to 1859, 469.

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