Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/597

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Leonhard und Geinitz's Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie. 1869. Hefte 2 & 3 (continued).

O. Prolss. — Das Granit-Gebiet von Eibenstock im Erzgebirge, 259.

E. Sandberger. — Untersuchungen uber den Wenzelgang bei Wolfbach im badischen Scbwarzwalde, 290.

E. Reichardt. — Ueber den Polyhalit im Steinsalze zu Stassfurt, 325.

A. Kenngott. — Zusammensetzung des Hauyn, 329.

Briefwechsel, 194, 337.

Linnean Society. Journal. Vol. xi. Botany. No. 49.

J. Kirk. — On the Copal of Zanzibar, 1.

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. Fourth Series. Vol. xxxvii. Nos. 249-251. April to June 1869. From Dr. William Francis, F.G.S.

Prof. How. — Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, 264.

S. Haughton. — Comparison of Granites of Cornwall and Devonshire with those of Leinster and Mourne, 306.

D. Forbes. — Researches in British Mineralogy, 321.

H. Moseley. — On the impossibility of the descent of Glaciers by their weight only, 363.

Geological Society's Proceedings, 309.

Longman's Notes on Books. No. 57. 1869.

Mechanics' Magazine. No. 2323. April 1869.

Medical Press and Circular. New Series. Vol. vii. Nos. 12-26.

Monthly Microscopical. Journal. Nos. 4-6. April to June 1869.

D. Forbes. — On the preparation of Rock-sections for Microscopic Examination, 240.

Carpenter and Brady. — Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic types of Arenaceous Foraminifera, 299.

Moscow. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tome xli. Part 1. No. 2. 1868.

W. von MiddendorfF. — Notiz uber die Vrebreitung und Lagerungsverhaltnisse der Steinkohle in dem Kreise Borowitschi des Gouvemements Nowgorod, 475.

H. Trautschold.— Die Laterne des Diogenes von Archaeocidaris rossicus, 465 (1 plate).

Munich. Sitzungsberichte der konigl.-bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Munchen. 1868. Band ii. Hefts 3 & 4.

Naturalist's Note-Book. Vol. iii. Nos. 28-30. April to June 1869.

C. O. Groom Napier. — On the Lowest Lias Beds occurring at Cotham, Bedminster, and Keynsham, near Bristol, 161.

Neuchatel. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel. Tome viii. No. 1. 1868.

J. F. W. Herschel. — Sur les causes Astronomiques qui ont une Influence sur les Phenomenes Geologiques (traduction), 136.