Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/615

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Nasb, Wady, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Natal, auriferous rocks of, 169.

New Zealand, description of Nga Tutura, an extinct volcano in, by Capt. F. W. Button, 13.

" New Red," on the succession of beds in the, on the south coast of Devon, 152.

Nga Tutura, an extinct volcano in New Zealand, description of, by Capt. F. W. Hutton, 13.

Nicholson, Dr. H. A., on certain of the intrusive igneous rocks of the Lake- district, 435 ; on the British species of the genera Climacograpsus, Diplograpsus, Dicranograpsus, and Didymograpsus (Title only), 254.

Nicol, Prof. James, on the origin of the parallel roads of Glen Roy, 282.

Nisnee cha Dara, 166.

Norfolk, East, broads of, 258.

Norfolk, flint implements in the drift of, 272, 449.

Northampton Sand, Mr. J. W. Judd, on the origin of the (Title only), 235.

Norwich, peculiar instance of intra- glacial erosion near, 259, 445.

Nottinghamshire, Permian beds of, 176.

Nova Scotia, fossil myriopods of the Coal-formations of, 441.

Nueva Providencia, section through, 347.

" Nuggetty Reef," 326.

Nummulitic Limestone of Egypt, occurrence of Celestine in the, 40.

Nummulitic rocks from Arabia and Egypt, Prof. T. Rupert Jones on some specimens of, 38.

Nutcracker, 279.

Omongraf, Wady, 32.

Om Riglaine, peak of, 30.

Opuheke (N. Z.), section through, 14.

Orinoco, section from, at Las Tablas, to Caratal, 347.

Ormerod, Mr. Gr. W., on some of the results arising from the bedding, joints, and spheroidal structure of the granite on the eastern side of Dartmoor, Devonshire, 273 ; on the " Waterstone beds" of the Keuper, containing pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium, in the counties of Somerset and Devon, 50.

Otehe Point (N. Z.), section from, to the Waikato River, 14.

Otter, river, section through the, 155.

Pah-hwei-miau, Coal-beds near, 124, 127, 130.

Palheres, on the existence during the Quaternary period of a glacier of the second order, occupying the "cirque" of the valley of, 46.

Paokiang-yan, iron-ore near, 127.

Paradoxides Aurora, 54.

— Hicksii, 55.

Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, origin of the, 282.

Permian rocks, of the Lancashire and Salopian types, evidence of a ridge separating the, 171 ; Salopian type, Permian beds of the, distribution of, 172 ; mineral characters of, 174.

Pendle system of disturbances, 178.

Pendle Hills, diagrammatic section through the, 181.

Peru, lode in the Caratal gold-field, 337.

Pharaoh's Baths, 24, 38.

Philippeau, section through, 240.

Pholiderpeton scutigerum, 310.

Pinel, 420, 421, 423.

Pinus plutonis, 358, 360.

Plant-remains from beds interstratified with the basalt in the county of Antrim, 357.

Platanal, section through, 347.

Plattendolomit at Kissingen, 4.

Pleistocene Mammalia, on the distribution of the British, 192.

Pliocene fossils of China, 134.

Plumbago, occurrence of, in Hastings county, Canada West, 271.

Plumpton grits, 291.

Podernuovo, lignite mines of, 260.

Poikilitic period, 149.

Porfido, 339.

Porfiro, 339.

Porphyry, felstone, of Carrock Fell, 438.

Porphyry in Kwangtung and Fuhkien, 125.

Porphyry, syenitic, between Ennerdale and Buttermere, 437.

Postglacial climate, 214.

Postglacial deposits near Blackpool,413.

Postglacial mammals, British, on the distribution of the, 192.

Potsdam Sandstone, 265.

Posttertiary deposits of the county of Hastings, Canada West, 263.

Preglacial, relation of, to postglacial, mammals, 210.

Prehistoric mammals, relation of, to postglacial, 211.

Provence, Cretaceous formation of, 239.

Provencian stage, 239, 241, 244, 246.

Pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium in the "Waterstone