Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/619

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32; el Scheick, 32, 33, 36; Ferran, 24, 36, 37, 44; Gharandel, 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 36, 38 ; Ghenneh, 32, 35, 36 ; Husseid, 23, 36 ; Khalig, 28 ; Lechian, 30 ; Maghara, 26, 32, 33; Mokuttub, 32, 36; Nagb el Bedra, 27, 36, 44 ; Nasb, 26-30 ; Omongraf, 32 ; Saaon, 30, 31 ; Sidreh, 32, 33, 36 ; Sudder, 21 ; Taibe, 24, 37 ; Taragi, 21.

Waikato river (N. Z.), section from the, to Otehe Point, 14.

Waikawau (N. Z.), section through, 14.

Wales, North, carboniferous anticlinal in, 180.

Wallbridge, Mr. T. C., on the Geology and Mineralogy of the county of Hastings, Canada West, 261.

Ward, Mr. J. Clifton, on beds of supposed Rothliegende age, near Knaresborough, 291.

Waterford, Graptolites occurring near, 159.

"Waterstone Beds" of the Keuper, on the, containing pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium, in the counties of Somerset and Devon, 50.

Wattern Tors, 276, 277.

Waveney, Broads of the valley of the, 258.

Weevils, 360.

Weston Mouth, section through, 155.

Wexford, Graptolites occurring in 160.

Wharfe, valley of the, Geology of the, 293.

Whicham valley. Drifts of, 427.

White Chliff, section through, 155.

White Deer Grotto, 122.

Whitaker, Mr. W., on the connexion of the geological structure and physical features of the South-east of England with the Consumption Death-rate, 431 ; on the succession of beds in the " New Red " on the South coast of Devon, and on the locality of a new specimen of Hyperodapedon, 152 ; on a Raised Beach at Portland Bill (Title only), 305; and Bristow, Mr. H. W., on the formation of the Chesil Bank (Title only), 305.

Williamson, Rev. C. G., on the Volcanic phenomena of Hawaii, 432.

Willistone Rocks, 279.

Wiltshire, Rev. T., On the Red Chalk of Hunstanton, 185.

Wood, fossil, from Antrim, 359.

Wood, Mr. Searles V., Jun., and Mr. F. W. Harmer, on a peculiar in- stance of intraglacial erosion near Norwich, 259, 445.

Wu-lao-feng, section through, 122.

Yangtse, alluvial deposits of the, 134, 136.

—, Lower, Geology of the provinces of the, 119.

Yare valley, section across the, at Trowse, 446.

Yare, Broads of the valley of the, 258.

Yes Tor, 276.

Yezo, coal-mines at Kaianoma, in the island of, 254.

Yishan, coal at, 129.

Yorkshire, beds underlying the Magnesian Limestone in, 292 ; Permian beds of, 176.

Yuruari, section across the river, 347.

Zinc-blende, associated with Gold in the " Nuggetty Reef," 335.


Printed by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.