Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/629

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On the Fossil Flora of the Tuffs of Czekehaza. (N. Hungary). By Herr H. Wolf.

[Proceed. Imp. Geol. Instit. Vienna, August 31, 1868].

The species represented in this flora, as determined by Professor linger, are : —

Alnus rostratum, Ung.

Castanea Kubinyi, Kovacs.

Quercus deuterogena, Ung.

— Nimrodis, Ung.

Sapindus Erdobenyensis, Kov.

Zelkowa Ungeri, Kov. (= Planera Ungeri).

Phragmitis Oeningensis, Heer.

Caulinites dubius, Heer.

Podogonium Knorrii, Heer.

— latifolium, Heer.

Arundo Goepperti, Heer.

Carpinus grandis, Ung.

Juglans acuminata, Ung.

Rhamnus Oeningensis, Heer.

Andromeda tristis, Ung.

Banksia helvetica, Heer.

Populus latior rotundata, Heer.

Acer decipiens, Heer.

Ficus tiliaefolia, Ung.

Grewia tiliacea, Ung.

Sterculia tenuinervis, Heer.

— Handtkeni, Ung.

Salix varians, Heer.

Lastraea dalmatica, Ettingsh.

In the immediate vicinity, a kind of Menilitic shale includes remains of plants and fishes, and, in beds of a tripoli-like substance, Diatomaceae and insects. A new locality of freshwater quartz abounds in silicified stems of trees, with some few impressions of leaves and minute shells of terrestrial Mollusca. [Count M.]

On the Geology of Texas. By Herr A. R. Roessler.

[Proceed. Imp. Geol. Instit. May 31, 1868.]

The territory of Texas offers a complete series of deposits from the Palaeozoic Potsdam Sandstone up to the highest Tertiaries. A bed of genuine bituminous coal is known to exist near Port Belknap. The Carboniferous formation has been stated to extend over 5000 square miles of surface, and to be 350 feet in thickness. The thickness of the Cretaceous deposits probably exceeds 1500 feet ; they are distinctly stratified, generally fossiliferous, coralline limestones, particularly well developed in the