Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 26.djvu/445

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and there in wavy lines. The costae are distinct, wide, equal, and covered with spiny granulations ; they are more or less continued over the small lateral winglike projections. The calice is elliptical in its outline, shallow, and with a sharp, narrow, and slightly cellular margin. The columella is large, long, and spongy. The septa are unequal, not exsert, stout, and granular ; there are four cycles of septa in six systems, and there are a few septa of the fifth cycle in some systems. The septa of the first, second, and third orders reach the columella ; and those of the higher orders curve towards and meet the tertiary midway between the wall and the columella.

Height of corallum 1-2/10 inch. Breadth of calice 1/2 inch.

Locality. Hamilton Tertiaries, Victoria, South Australia.

20. Balanophyllia Selwyni, n. sp. Plate XXI. fig. 4.

The corallum is subcylindrical and slightly compressed, and has a large base with a slight constriction above it. The costae are distinct, flat above and rounded midway and below, finely granular superiorly, and marked with one series of large granules inferiorly. The epitheca is absent. The wall is moderately developed. The columella is large and long. The septa are very stout. There are four cycles of septa, in six systems ; and the higher orders unite with the tertiary at about one-fourth of the distance from the wall to the columella. The calice was compressed and elliptical.

Height 1 inch. Greatest length of the calice 1/3 inch.

Locality. No. 3, Upper " Coralline beds," near Cape Otway, South Australia.

21. Balanophyllia fragilis, n. sp. Plate XXI. fig. 5.

The corallum is long and conico-cylindrical in shape, twisted and curved. The epitheca is quite rudimentary, in the form of slight transverse bands. The costae are flat and marked with one series of small distinct sharp spiny granules, or with a ridge. The wall is very thin and hardly cellular. The columella is very small. The septa are plain, long, slender and irregular ; the higher orders unite with the tertiary close to the wall. There are four cycles, in six systems, the fifth order being occasionally absent. The endotheca is tolerably developed.

Height of corallum 3/4 inch. Length of calice 1/4 inch.

Locality. Muddy Creek, Hamilton Tertiaries, South Australia.

22. Balanophyllia australiensis, Duncan. Plate XXI. fig. 6.

The corallum is pedicellate, long, cylindrical, tapering and curved. The calice is elliptical. The fossa is shallow. The septa are not exsert, are thin, marked with arched ridges, and there are four cycles, in six systems, with a few lamina? of the fifth cycle. The higher orders unite with the tertiary close to the wall, which is very thin. The columella is large. The epitheca is scanty, and surrounds the corallum at certain parts only. The costae are vermiculate, and slightly spinate.

Height of corallum 1-1/2 inch. Length of calice 4/10 inch.

Locality. Muddy Creek, Hamilton Tertiaries, South Australia,