Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/165

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minent tubercles, which become stronger near the ventral margin. The teeth are 2 — 3, the left divided and striated. The surface is divided near the posterior margin longitudinally by two or three furrows into as many areas, transversely striated and ribbed. The ribs are slightly curved, and in the inner carina they stand perpendicularly to the posterior margins. T. Shepstonei shows distinct differences from Trigonia elegans, Baily, in its strong and thick tubercles, in the general rough surface of the valves, and also in its shape. Our species is thicker, and the ventral margin is plicated. Very common, forming entire beds in the sandstone. This species seems to have been commoner at the base of the stratum ; but the bed is not divisible into different horizons.

Named after the Hon. Theophilus Shepstone, the Secretary of Native Affairs in the Colony of Natal.

Locality. umtamfuna river.


Cardium denticulatum, Baily. Pl. III. fig. 12.

To Mr. Baily's description I have only to add that the pallial line is simple, and not in the least sinuous. Cardinal teeth 2; lateral ones 1,1.

A small Astarte seems to be not uncommon. A Teredina is also found in large masses in fossil wood at the lowest part of the deposit.


Hemiaster Forbesii, Baily.


DIADEMA, Sp. Pl. III. fig. 13.

Table of the Range of the Fossils of the umtamfuna River,

New species, or peculiar to the African locality

In the Arrialoor group ...

Trichinopoly group

Ootatoor and Valudayur groups, India

Total of species which also occur in India


1 1 ... 4 5


4 3 11 1 13


7 3 of these narly allied to Ind. sp. 2 ... ... .2


1 2 ... ... 2