Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/198

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Details of General Section of Lower Eocene deposits at Portsmouth (Dockyard Extension Works'), commencing with the highest strata exposed.

feet, inches.

Brownish sandy clay, with thin partings of sand 25 0

Sandy clay 5 4

Sand, with small nodules of claystone 0 3

Brownish sandy clay 4 0

Septaria 0 0

Brownish clay 5 9

Septaria 0 0

Layer of greasy clay 0 2

Stiff greyish clay , with thin partings of sand 5 2

Sand, with pyrites 0 0-1/2

Stiff greyish-brown clay 2 1

Septaria 0 0

Stiff greyish-brown clay 5 6

Sandy clay 0 2

Stiff greyish-brown clay 2 10

Thin layer of Pinna ; crushed, and much decomposed. (These shells appear to have been whole when deposited.) 0 2

Thin seam of greasy clay 0 1

Stiff greyish-brown clay 2 10

Brownish clay, with rounded black flint pebbles 0 10

Greenish sands, finely bedded and interstratified with thin lines of clay and fragments of carbonaceous matter. Fossils numerous 3 0

Layer of greenish chloritous sand, crowded with fossils, and forming the nucleus of a zone of large concretions of shell-rock 0 1

Argillaceous sand, slightly mottled 5 0

Sand, with double band of tabular Claystone or Septaria, containing thin lines of vegetable matter 1 6

Greyish-brown (or greenish-brown) mottled sand, with thin seams of clay 6 0

Septaria, at wide intervals 0 0

Greenish-grey argillaceous sand, mottled and veined with clay 4 6

Layer of finely laminated sand, nearly white when dry 0 5

(This bed is very constant in thickness within the area of the excavations.)

Greyish argillaceous sands, slightly mottled 4 6

Zone of Pholadomya margaritacea.

Zone of Pinna.

Zone of Panopoea.

Zone of Cytherea despecta.

Zone of Panopoea intermediata.

Zone of Cytherea proxima, &c. &c.

Zone of Pholas —.

Zone of Cardium Laytoni and Cytherea suessoniensis, Desh.