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English Mechanic, Editor of the.

Evans, Caleb, Esq., F.G.S.

Evans, John, Esq., F.G.S.

Favre, M. A., F.C.G.S.

Foetterle, Dr. F.

Fuchs, M. T.

Geinitz, Dr., F.M.G.S.

Geological Magazine, Editors of the.

Gillieron, M. V.

Gumbel, Dr., F.C.G.S.

Haidinger, Prof. W. von, F.M.G.S.

Hall, Dr. James, F.M.G.S.

Hall, Marshall, Esq., F.G.S.

Hamilton, Mrs. W. J.

Hartley, E., Esq., F.G.S.

Hasskarl, Dr. C.

Hayden, E. V., Esq.

Hebert, M. E., F.C.G.S.

Hector, Dr. James, F.G.S.

Helmersen, Gen. G. von, F.M.G.S.

Hill, J., Esq.

Hoffmann, Dr. C.

Hopkinson, John, Esq., F.G.S.

Hull, H. M., Esq.

Hunt, Dr. T. Sterry.

Iron and Coal Trades Review, Editors of the.

Jeffreys, J. Gwyn, Esq., F.G.S.

Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie, (fee., Editors of the.

Jones, Prof. T. Rupert, F.G.S.

Karrer, Dr. F.

Kayser, M. E.

Kawall, M. J. H.

King, Prof. W.

Lankester, E. Ray, Esq.

Lapham, F. A., Esq.

Lea, Isaac, Esq.

Linnarsson, M. J. G. O.

Logan, Sir W. E., F.G.S.

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, Editors of the.

Longman & Co., Messrs.

Lorenz, M. L.

Lubbock, Sir J., Bart., F.G.S.

Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart., F.G.S.

Mackintosh, D., Esq., F.G.S.

Marcou, M. Jules.

Marsh, Prof. C. O., F.G.S.

Maw, G., Esq., F.G.S.

Maw, H. L., Esq.

Mayer, M. K.

Mello, Rev. J. M., F.G.S..

Mojsisovics, M. E. von.

Montagna, Sig. C.

Monthly Microscopical Journal, Editors of the.

Moore, Charles, Esq., F.G.S.

Morris, Prof. John, F.G.S.

Murchison, Sir R. I., Bart., F.G.S.

Naturalists' Note Book, Editor of the.

Nature, Editor of.

Newberry, Dr. J. S.

Nova Scotia, Chief Commissioner of Mines of.

Nyst, Dr. H., F.C.G.S.

Oustalet, M.

Packard, Dr. A. S., Jun.

Parfitt, E., Esq.

Parrish, R. A., Jun., Esq.

Pascucci, Prof. L. D.

Pearce, H., Esq., F.G.S.

Perry, J. B., Esq.

Pessina, Sig. L. J.

Piggot, J., Jun., Esq., F.G.S.

Prestwich, Jos., Esq., F.G.S.

Quarterly Journal of Science, Editors of the.

Quetelet, M. A.

Ramsay, Prof. A. C., F.G.S.

Raynolds, Gen. W. F.

Reuss, Prof. A. E., F.C.G.S.

Revue des Cours Scientifiques, Editors of the.