Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/291

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Geological Magazine. Vol. vii. Nos. 10-12 (continued).

G. Maw. — On Recent Changes of Level in the Coast-line of the Mediterranean, 548.

H. Woodward.— Contributions to British Fossil Crustacea, 554 (1 plate).

J. F. Walker.— On Secondary Species of Brachiopoda, 560 (1 plate).

D. Mackintosh. — Dispersion " of Granite-blocks over the Plain of Cumberland, 564.

Geological Survey of Ireland, Sheet 95, by G. H. Kinahan and J. Nolan, noticed, 483.

J. Geikie. — On the Carboniferous Formation of Scotland, noticed, 485.

Papers read in Section C, British Association, Liverpool, noticed, 523.

G. H. Morton's ' Glaciated Condition of the Triassic Rocks around Liverpool,' noticed, 525.

' Mountain Limestone of Flintshire and Denbighshire,' noticed, 526.

T. Wright's ' Comparison of the Cote-d'Or, in France, with the Cotteswold Hills,' noticed, 568.

J. Croll's ' Cause of the Motion of Glaciers,' noticed, 672.

Barrande's ' Cephalopoda of Bohemia &c. Distribution of the Class,' reviewed, 486.

C. F. Hartt's 'Geology of Brazil,' reviewed, 528.

Annual Report of the Director-General of the Geological Survey of Great Britain &c, reviewed, 531.

Dr. Yeats 's ' Natural History of Commerce,' reviewed, 533.

W. Carruthers's ' Fossil Cycadean Steins,' reviewed, 573.

Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society, reviewed, 577.

Reports and Proceedings of Societies, 491, 579.

Correspondence, 535, 583.

Miscellaneous, 540, 587.

Iron and Coal Trades Review. Vol. iv. Nos. 136-146. October to December 1870.

Journal of the Chemical Society. Vol. viii. October to December 1870.

Linnean Society of London. Journal. Zoology. Vol. xi. No. 49.

London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. Fourth Series. Vol. xl. Nos. 267-269. From Dr. W. Francis, F.G.S.

Longman's Notes on Books. Vol. iv. No. 63. November 1870.

Monthly Microscopical Journal. Vol. iv. Nos. 22-24. October to December 1870.

Moscow. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 1870. No. 1.

Munich. Abhandlungen der koniglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-physikalische Classe. Baud x. Abth. 3.