Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/298

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Baylee, J. Moses, and his Misinterpreters : Geology, and her Misinterpreters : the Word of God, and its Infallible Truth. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bellefonds, L. de. Memoire sur le Lac Moeris, presente et lu a la Societe Egyptienne le 3 Jiullet, 1842. 4to. Alexandrie, 1843. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Beneden, P. J. van. La Cote d'Ostende et les Fouilles d'Anvers. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1862. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Recherches sur les Squalodons. 4to. Bruxelles, 1865. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. et E. Dupont. Sur les Ossements Humains du Trou du Frontal. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bertrand de Doue, J. M. Sur les Ossemens fossiles de Saint-Privant, et sur le terrain basaltique ou ils ont ete decouverts. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Beyrich, E. Ueber den Zusammenhang der norddeutschen Tertiarbildungen zur Erlauterung einer geologischen Uebersichtskarte. 4to. Berlin, 1857. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Ueber die Lagerung der Kreideformation im schlesischen Gebirge. 4to. Berlin, 1855. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Ueber die Stellung der Hessischen Tertiarbildungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Ueber ein Kohlenkalk-Fauna von Timor. 4to. Berlin, 1865. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bianconi, J. J. Repertorio Italiano per la Storia Naturale. Repertorium Italicum, complectens Zoologiam, Mineralogiam, Geologiam et Palaeontologiam. 8vo. Bononiae, 1853. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bielz, E. A. Fauna der Land- und Susswasser-Mollusken Siebenburgens. 8vo. Hermannstadt, 1863. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bigsby, J. J. On the Organic Contents of the Older Metamorphic Rocks : a Review and a Classification. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Blyth, E. Drafts for a Fauna Indica. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bornemann, J. G. Ueber die Liasformation in der Umgegend von Gottingen und ihre organischen Einschlusse. 8vo. Berlin, 1854. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Bosquet, J. Notice sur quelques Mollusques Lamellibranches Nouveaux. 8vo. 1851. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.