Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/314

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Wood, S. V., jun. On the Belgian Equivalents of the Upper and Lower Drift of the Eastern Counties. 8vo. 1864. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

-. On the Formation of the River- and other Valleys of the East of England. 8vo. 1864. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. On the Red Crag, and its Relation to the Fluvio-marine Crag, and on the Drift of the Eastern Counties. 8vo. 1864. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Yates, J. On the Use of Bronze Celts in Military Operations. 8vo. 1849. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Zigno, A. de. Intorno di Cenni del Professore Tomaso Antonio Catullo sopra il Sistema Cretaceo delle Alpi Venete. 8vo. Padova, 1846. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Nouvelles Observations sur les Terrains Cretaces des Alpes Venitiennes. 8vo. Padoue, 1850. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Sui Terreni Jurassici delle Alpi Venete e sulla Flora Fossile che li distingue. 8vo. Padova, 1852. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Zirkel, F. Mikromineralogische Mittheilungen. 8vo. 1870.

Zittel, C. A. Denkschrift auf Christ. Erich Hermann von Meyer. 4to. Munchen, 1870.

—. Ueber den Brachial-Apparat bei einigen jurassischen Terebratuliden und uber einen neue Brachiopodengattung Dimerella.


Hall, H. Map of South Africa.

—. Map of the Eastern frontier of Cape Colony. 1856. Landgrebe, Gr. Mineralogie der Vulcan e. 8vo. Cassel und Leipzig. 1870.

Ooster, W. A. und C. von Fischer. Protozoe Helvetica. Mittheilungen aus dem Berner Museum der Naturgeschichte uber merkwurdige Thier- und Pflanzenreste der schweizerischen Vorwelt. Band II. Part 2. 1870.

Pictet, F. J. Materiaux pour la Paleontologie Suisse. Serie v. Livr. 9. 4to. Geneve et Bale, 1870.