Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/614

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List of Shells (continued).

Univalves. Upper Beds. Lower Beds.

Nassa - ?, sp. n. *

— incrassata vr r

— propinqua 2

Natica catena c c

— clausa vr

— groenlandica v r

— helicoides vr vr

Odostomia conoidea *

Patella vulgata vr

Purpura lapillus c vc

Ringicula ventricosa r

Rissoa semicostata r

Scalaria groenlandica r nc

— Trevelyana vr

Tornatella tornatilis r

Trochus tumidus r r

Trophon antiquum r c

— scalariforme †

Turritella communis ... nc c

— incrassata nc c

Velutina laevigata vr


Anomia ephippium c r

— patelliformis r r

Astarte borealis c r

— compressa vc r

Cardium edule vc vc

— groenlandicum vr vr

Corbula striata c r

Cyprina islandica c vc

Bivalves. Upper Beds. Lower Beds.

Diplodonta astartea †

Leda lanceolata fr

— limatula c r

Lepton nitidum †

Loripes divaricatus r

Lucina borealis nc r

Mactra ovalis r vr

— solida c vc

— stultorum r

— subtruncata c vc

Mya arenaria c vc

— truncata c

Mytilus edulis vc vc

Nucula Cobboldiae vr vr

— tenuis vr vr

Pectunculus glycymeris vr

Pecten opercularis r vr

Saxicava rugosa r r

Solen siliqua r

Tapes texturata †

— virginea †

Tellina fabula †

— lata c vc

— obliqua vc vc

— praetenuis c vc

Thracia phaseolina r vr

Trigonella plana vr 1 or 2

Venus fasciata rr


Rhynchonella psittacea rr

Land and Freshwater Shells.

Bythinia tentaculata vr

Carychium minimum †

Helix hispida r

— pulchella †

Limnaea peregra vr

— palustris r

Paludestrina subumbilicata vr vc

Paludina lenta r

Planorbis complanatus †

— spirorbis vr

Pupa marginata †

Succinea putris †

Valvata cristata vr

— piscinalis vr vr

Cyclas cornea vr

Pisidium amnicum vr


Polystomella c c

Rotalia c c

Fragments of Balanus are common in both beds. Spines of Spatangus and small claws of Crab are scarce. Vertebrae and other small bones of fishes are common in the lower bed and rare in the upper one. Remains of Arvicola very rare in either. Remains of Elephant and Mastodon have been quoted from Bramerton, but they are very rare.

In addition to these, Mr. Harmer has found the Panopoea norvegica and Trochus zizyphinus in the lower bed, astarte sulcata, Abra alba, and nucula nucleus in the upper bed.

Postwick pit has long been noted for the occurrence of Rhynchonella psittacea and for the annelid- drilled surface of the chalk at the base of the crag.

  • From a bank in a lane leading to Bramerton.

† These are from a small adjacent pit in Mr. Blake's grounds, in which Scrobicularia piperata (Trigonella plana) occurs in abundance.