Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/69

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Mr. Jones remarks that the numbers in the following Tables are liable to modification with further research.

Species† of Foraminifera found in both the Atlantic mud and the Chalk of England and Europe.

Other, older Formations in which they are also found.

Glandulina laevigata, D' Orbigny .

Nodosaria radicula, Linn.

– raphanus, Linn.

Dentalina communis, D' Orb.

Cristellaria cultrata, Mont.

– rotulata, Lam.

– crepidula, F. & M.

Lagena sulcata, W. & J.

— globosa, Montag

Polymorphina lactea, W. & J.

— communis, D' Orb.

— compressa, D' Orb.

— Orbignii, Ehr

Globigerina bulloides, D' Orb.

Planorbulina lobatula, W. & J.

Pulvinulina Micheliana, D' Orb.

Spiroplecta biformis, P. & J.

Verneuilina triquetra, v. M.

— polystropha, Rss.

Besides the above, Bulimina (Bolivina) punctata, D'Orb., is found in the Atlantic mud and in the Upper Jurassic, and Nodosarina (Dentalina) pauperata, D'Orb., occurs in the Atlantic mud as well as in the Lower Jurassic and the Upper Trias.

Number of Species of Foraminifera common to the Atlantic Mud and to the several undermentioned Geological Formations in England.

Total in the deep Atlantic.




London Clay.




Upper Jurassic.


Lower Jurassic.


Rhaetic & Upper Trias.


Permian strata.


Carboniferous strata.


Common to the following Formations.

† Accepted species and noticeable varieties.

‡ There are 12 other species in more recent beds.

§ The total in the Lower Tertiaries is 36.

|| Common to both Upper and Lower Jurassic, 9.