Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/722

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London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine. Fourth Series. Vol. xli. Nos. 273-276. April to June 1871. From Dr. W. Francis, F.G.S.

Prof. How. — Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia, 270.

A. Heim. — On Glaciers, 485 (plate).

London Institution. Journal. Vol. i. Nos. 4-6. April to June 1871.

Longman's Notes on Books. Vol. iv. No. 65.

Milan. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali. Vol. xiii. Fasc. 1-3. 1870.

C. Marioni. — Intorno ad alcuni resti di Ursus speloeus della grotta di Adelsberg, 55, 57.

G. Bellucci. — Avanzi dell' epoca preistorica dell' uomo nel territorio di Terni, 149.

T. Taramelii. — Sugli antichi ghiacciaje della Drava, della Sava e dell' Isonzo, 224.

—. —. Vol. xiv. Fasc. 1. 1871.

Monthly Microscopical Journal. Vol. v. Nos. 28 & 29. April and May 1871.

A. M. Edwards. — Microscopical Examination of two Minerals, 226.

Moscow. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Tome xliii. No. 2. 1870.

Nature (Journal). Vol. iii. Nos. 73-78. April 1871.

W. M. Williams.— Papers on Iron and Steel, 374, 388, 410.

W. B. Carpenter. — Eozoon canadense, 386.

Fossil Cetacea, 392.

—. Vol. iv. Nos. 79-85. May and June 1871.

C. C. Blake. — The Cave-Lion in the Peat of Holderness, 27.

J. B. Perry. — Eozoon canadense, 28.

Ven. Archdeacon Pratt. — Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 28.

A. H. Green. — Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 45.

D. Forbes. — Thickness of the Earth's Crust, 65.

Palaeozoic Crinoids, 72.

W. King. — Eozoon canadense, 85.

H. Woodward. — Seeley on the Ornithosauria, 100.

Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie. 1870. Hefte 6-8.

H. J. Burkart. — Ueber die Fundorte mexicanischer Meteoriten, 673.

A. v. Lasaulx. — Petrographische Studien an den vulcanischen Gesteinen der Auvergne, 693.

C. W. C. Fuchs. — Die alten Sediment-Formationen und ihre Metamorphose in den franzosischen Pyrenaen, 719 (plate).

C. W. Gumbel. — Vorlaufige Mittheilungen uber Tiefseeschlamm, 753.

F. Zirkel. — Mikromineralogische Mittheilungen, 802 (plate).

Zelger.— Ueber Stylolithen, 833.