Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 33.djvu/1070

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940 GENERAL INDEX. Elasmosaurian, Prof. Seeley on an, from the base of the gault at Folke- stone, 541. Elf-Hills Quarry, sketch section in, 413. Elonichthys, 553, 558, 575. Elsworth rock, 313. Emarginula ancistra, 199. divisiensis, 198. Gresslyi, 197. Meycri, 199. neocomiensis, 196. puncturella, 197. sanctcB-catharincB, 198. wnicostata, 199. valangicnsis, 197. England, Messrs. Blake and Hudleston on the Corallian rocks of, 260. , strata between the Borrowdale series of the north of, and the Co- niston flags, 461. English Carboniferous districts, 626- 633. Channel, tides in the, 29. Enniskillen, Earl of, donation of draw- ings, Proc. 5. Enville, Permians of, 22. Erekli, Admiral T. Spratt on coal- bearing strata near, 524. , geology of, 531. , section of coal-bearing deposits near, 526. Erisichthe, 507. Erratic stones, striated, 731. Eruptive rocks of North Wales, Mr. J. A. Phillips on the chemical and mineralogical changes which have taken place in some, 423. Etheridge, P., Esq., notes on the fossil plants from Kosloo, 532. Etheridge, P., Esq., Jun., on the re- mains of a large crustacean, pro- bably indicative of a new species of Eurypterus, or allied genus {Eury- pterus ? Stevensoni), from the Lower Carboniferous series (cement-stone group) of Berwickshire, 223. on the occurrence of a Macrurous Decapod (Anthrapalcemon ? Wood- wardi, sp. nov.) in the Red Sand- stone or lowest group of the Car- boniferous formation, in the south- east of Scotland, 863. , and P. L. Jack, Esq., on the discovery of plants in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the neigh- bourhood of Callander, 213. Eupatagus Laubei, 55. rotundas, 53, 67. Eurypterus, Mr. P. Etheridge, Jun., on a new species of, from the Lower Carboniferous series of Berwick- shire, 223. Eurypterus ? Stevensoni, 224. Faringdon, Corallian of, 301. Fauna, British Carboniferous marine, 642. of the Cambridge Greenland, Mr. A. J. Jukes-Browne on the, 485. of the ossiferous caverns of Malta, list of the, 187. Filey Point, Corallian of, 318. Fjords, lakes, and cirques, Mr. A. Hel- land on the formation of, in Nor- way and Greenland, 142. Flintshire and Denbighshire coal-dis- trict, 628. Flower, Prof. W. H., on the occur- rence of the remains of Hya>narctos in the Red Crag of Suffolk, 534. Folkestone, Mr. F. G. H. Price on the beds between the Gault and Upper Chalk near, 431. , Prof. Seeley on Mauisaurus Gardneri, an Elasmosaurian from the base of the Gault at, 541. Forest-bed, Mr. F. W. Harmer, on the relation of the, to the Chillesford clay, 134. Forest Gate, 755. Forge valley, Corallian of, 321 . , section at the mouth of, 320. Fossils, lists of, from the Freestone of Ham Hill, 6 ; from the Dorset equi- valent of the Gryphite Grit, 7 ; from the Maltese Caves, 187 ; from the Nothe grits near Weymouth, 263 ; from the Nothe clays, 264 ; from the Osmington oolite, 266 ; from the Tr igon /rt-beds of Weymouth and Osmington, 266; from the Trigonict- beds of Linton Hill, 269 ; from the Sandsfoot clay, 270; from the Sands- foot grits, 271 ; from the Abbots- bury ironstone, 274 ; from the West- bury ironstone. 285 ; from Steeple Ashton, 287, 288 ; from Calne, 290, 291 ; from Hillmarton, 292 ; from the coralline oolite of Highworth, 299 ; from the coral rag of Up ware, 314; from the calc grit of Filey, 318; from Scarborough Castle Hill, 324 ; from the coral rag of Seamer &c, 328 ; from the Trigonia-bods of Pickering, 336; from the Upper Calcareous grit,Pickering, 340; from the coralline oolite of Ampleforth &c, 358 ; from the coral rag of Os- waldkirk district, 360, 361; from the Lower Calcareous grit near