Page:Quarterlyoforego10oreg 1.djvu/189

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Land Tenure in Oregon. 75 TABLE 12. PERCENTAGE OF ENCUMBERED AND OP HIRED HOMES IN THE UNITED STATES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE AGES OF OWNERS AND TENANTS. (*) Encumbered Hired Encumbrances increased from youth to middle age and de- creased at old age. Tenancy is greatest for those under 25 years of age and steadily decreases with the age of the farmer. This tends to show that the next step after tenancy is encum- brance, which declines last. The problem is to lower the per- centage of tenancy at all ages and facilitate ownership.

  • U. S. Census Reports for 1900, Twelfth Census, Vol. II, p. CCXI.

55 years and over, Under 25 years, 25 to 34 years. , 35 to 44 years. , 45 to 54 years. . Age. Homes. Homes, 7.2 72.2 15.9 54.7 20.4 35.6 21.8 29.3

18.6 18.6----