Page:Quarterlyoforego10oreg 1.djvu/261

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THE QUARTERLY of the 'regon Historical Society VOLUME X SEPTEMBER, 1909 NUMBER 3 CONTENTS EDWIN V. O'HARA— DeSmet in the Oregon Country - - 239-262 F. G. YOUNG— The Financial History of the State of Oregon— I - 263-295 T. C. ELLIOTT— Journal of John Work - - - - 2%-313 JOHN B. FLOYD— Official Report of John Brown's Raid upon Harper's Ferry, Va., October 17-18, 1859 - - 314-324 T. C. ELLIOTT— A Hudson's Bay Company Marriage Certificate - 325-328 PRICE: nPTY CENTS PER NUMBER. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR

Enttred at the post office at Portland, Oregon, at second-clan matter----