Page:Quarterlyoforego10oreg 1.djvu/323

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Journal of John Work.

evening. The people are always glad to see whites coming among them.

Monday, May 3rd.

Fair weather.

The men were on the move by daylight collecting the horses. One of them were missing and, although all hands were employed seeking him till 11 o'clock, he could not be found, and was supposed to be gone off on the N. P.[1] road, and so far off from the distance he was followed that it would have taken all day to come up with him., even were we sure he had gone that way, and as by waiting in the same encampment we were likely to lose more we moved on, and left word with the Spokane chief to seek the horse and bring him back to Colvile, which he promised to do. Camped in the evening at a place called the Fortress, on the edge of a plain. The road this day was pretty good.

Tuesday, May 4th.

Stormy during the day, heavy rain towards the evening. Four of the horses had strayed in the morning and, although all hands were in pursuit of them, they were not found till 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when it was considered too late to move, besides I wish to stop and send for the horse lost at Spokane, which, I hear from an Indian lad that was passing, is found by the Indians. We had no thought any of the horses would stray off so far.

Wednesday, May 5th.

Very heavy rain in the night, fair weather during the day.

Sent two men back for the stray horse that remained at

  1. Nez Perces.