Page:Quarterlyoforego10oreg 1.djvu/361

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THE QUARTERLY of the Oregon Historical Society VOLUME X DECEMBER, 1909 NUMBER 4 CONTENTS T. C. ELLIOTT — ^Thc Peter Skene Ogden Journals; Snake Expedition, 1825-1826 - - . - 331-365 F. G. YOUNG—The Financial History of the State of Oregon— 11 - 366-384 FREDERICK V. HOLMAN— Dedication of the McLoughlin Home - 384-389 J. FRANKLIN JAMESON— Letter from Hit Father. John Jameson, written in Oregon, August 17, 1852 - - - - 390-395 PRICE : FIFTY CENTS PER NUMBER. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR

Entered at the post office at Portland, Oregon, as second-class matter----