Page:Quartette - Kipling (1885).djvu/146

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Capital (paid-up) .-: .. Rs. 5,00.000 Reserved Fund ... ava Z Sys ., 1,50,000 HEADOFFICE ..: _ SIMLA.

Branches: Rawatrisor, Murner. Lanonr and UMBALLA.

Bunkers ia Great Britain and Ireland: Loxpox im Ma 1; . Annmance Bask, Linuten. EnINBURGH ... 'on are ite . BANK or ScorTnannp DUBLIN = be vis wh . Natioxan BANK.

+., Corre apniidents a

AlNahiubad,! Cawnpore.


CURRENT AUCOUNTS ope FIXED DEPOSITS raceive the followin ri & por cent,, reyuising 4 mo ui 3

" For snme of Ra. 20,000 an ipwards, recuiei

LONDON arl ensled on v1OR



Registered under Act XIX, of 1867, and Act VII. of 1860. HEAD OFFICE: MEERUT. = Srainch: LUCKNOW.

London and other Remittances. Billa of Exchange are the Cnion Bank of Londen, and aud Ireland; « J Caleatta, Bombay, and Madras, and all the principal Stations in India, Hills for, and under £10, can only be granted payable on demand, anid no Bills can be igauorl ar term than four months after sig ank, whenever requested, will transm rat cxcharue ect to England, on being furnished with the correct address of the party to whom the remiléance is te he forwat ler, pas - Deposit Rules, Fixed Deposits are re on the following terms:

tional Hauks of Scotland

wer Cals, requivizy; S menths" notice of withdrawal

5 - .

" "

The 3 and 4 per cent. Deposits may he availible to the Banks ills on London,

'he Hank reserves t itself the right of payiig off any of the above Deposits, or meslifying the terms by giving one inonth's notice.

If no instruction be giver) as to the appropriasion of a Deposit noted for withdrawal, it will, on eXpiry of the term of mm ", be placed to credit of the depositor in Ffoattug Deposit.

No interest is allowed on Flo ug Depesit

Joana and Cash Credits are pranted on approved personal and other seenriby.

A change of Bight Aunas is made on every Deposit Account, and One Rume Aceourtit, at the end of the half-year.

Government and other Securities.

The Hank undertake the safe custody of Government Paper 1d certifientes of Shares in Joint Stock Companies, and withdraw the interest of Dividends hereon, as declared half-yearly, when authorised to do so, and remit the same by its own Bills, and also sell or invess an these Securttier for Constituents.

For further particulars, apply to Agent, amd the undersigned,

Base or Urene Ixpu, Liwrren, z } Meerut, 12th November 1655, 3 W. McLEAVY, Museger,