Page:Queen Mab (Shelley).djvu/195

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new race! It will be seen that he carries this idea, not merely to the extermination of all the aberrations of passion, but to the improvement of the face of nature. The "wastes of frozen billows," "hurled by everlasting snow storms "round the poles," are to be "unloosed;" and "fragrant zephyrs," from "spicy isles," are to "melodize with man's blest nature there." The deserts of Arabia, are to

"——teem with countless rills and shady woods,
Corn-fields, and pastures, and white cottages."

The wonders of Pope's Messiah, from which much of this matter, and all the ideas seem gathered, as those of the Messiah from Virgil and the prophets, are to be realized in this new world:—for

"——where the startled wilderness beheld
A savage conqueror stained in kindred blood;
A tygress sating with the flesh of lambs,
The unnatural famine of her toothless cubs,
Whilst shouts and howlings through the desert rang,
Sloping and smooth the daisy-spangled lawn,
Offering sweet incense to the sun rise, smiles
To see a babe before his mother's door,
Sharing his morning's meal
With the green and golden basilisk,
That comes to lick his feet!"

Every ocean is "to teem" with islands, at such convenient distances, that the sailor may not see as now:—