Page:Queen Moo's talisman; the fall of the Maya empire (IA queenmoostalisma00leplrich).djvu/76

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He'd thus make one. His queen! O hateful thought!
'Twas plain the war that he ungrateful sought,
Had prompted been by fixed desire to reign,
And with the throne its Queen too he'd obtain.
With just wrath filled Móo scorned the victor's plea—
Lose all she rather would, her palace flee.

Too soon indeed was this to come about,
Cay's prophecy no longer one could doubt;
For Aac without delay acquired new force,
Nor cared who fell beneath his reckless course.
At last exulted he in Móo's defeat,
And deeds were done that time could ne'er delete.
The noble Pontiff was at once abased
By Aac, who deeply thus himself disgraced.

When Móo's defenders lay around her slain,
Her freedom she no longer could retain;
Then captive she was led to meet her fate.
Within Aac's breast now battled love and hate.
Yet dared he not that heinous sin commit,
Compel what woman's heart would not permit.
He hoped she soon would plead to be set free,
And since all else was lost for her could she
Withstand his ever strong desire? Relent
She must—to be his consort now consent.

Móo looked for death; she would surrender life,
Escaping thus all further pain and strife.