Page:Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphinx.djvu/25

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XLII. Attitude of Respect among the Mayas. Statue of Prince Coh exhumed from his Mausoleum by the author 132
XLIII. Attitude of Respect among the Mayas. Columns of Katuns at Aké 133
XLIV. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Queen Móo's Suitor consulting Fate 133
XLV. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Citam, tlie Friend of Queen Móo, consulting an Aruspice 134
XLVI. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Prince Aac in Presence in the H-men 134
XLVII. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Highpriest Cay consulting Fate 135
XLVIII. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Prince Coh in Battle 136
XLIX. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. A Village, assaulted by Prince Coh's Warriors, abandoned by its Inhabitants 137
L. Fresco Painting in Funeral Chamber in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Prince Coh's Body prepared for Cremation 138
LI. Fresco painting in Prince Coh's Memorial Hall. Prince Aac proffering his Love to Queen Móo 139
LII. Queen Móo a Prisoner of War. Plate xvii., part ii., of Troano MS. 143
LIII. Account of the Destruction of the Land of Mu. Slab in the building called Akab-ɔib at Chicħen. Cast from mould made by the author 146
LIV. Account of the Destruction of the Land of Mu. Plate v., part ii., of Troano MS. 147
Calendar and an Account of the Destruction of the Land of Mu. From the Codex Cortesianus 147
LVII. Mausoleum of Prince Coh. Restoration and drawing by the author 155
LVIII. A Dying Warrior. Bas-relief from Prince Coh's Mausoleum 155
LIX. Leopard eating a Human Heart: Totem of Prince Coh. A bas-relief from his Mausoleum 157
LX. Macaw eating a Human Heart: Totem of Queen Móo. A bas-relief from Prince Coh's Mausoleum 157
LXI. Salutation and Token of Respect in Thibet. From the book by Gabriel Bondalot, "Across Thibet" 158