Page:Queen Victoria (Strachey).djvu/101

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Melbourne—"the most discreet man, the most well-judging, and most cool man."[1] And Lord Palmerston cited Baron Stockmar as the only absolutely disinterested man he had come across in life.[2] At last he was able to retire to Coburg, and to enjoy for a few years the society of the wife and children whom his labours in the service of his master had hitherto only allowed him to visit at long intervals for a month or two at a time. But in 1836 he had been again entrusted with an important negotiation, which he had brought to a successful conclusion in the marriage of Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, a nephew of King Leopold's, with Queen Maria II of Portugal.[3] The House of Coburg was beginning to spread over Europe; and the establishment of the Baron at Buckingham Palace in 1837 was to be the prelude of another and a more momentous advance.[4]

King Leopold and his counsellor provide in their careers an example of the curious diversity of human ambitions. The desires of man are wonderfully various; but no less various are the means by which those desires may reach satisfaction: and so the work of the world gets done. The correct mind of Leopold craved for the whole apparatus

  1. Girlhood, II, 303.
  2. Stockmar, 324
  3. Ibid., chap, xv, pt. 2
  4. Ibid., chap. xvii.