Page:Queen Victoria (Strachey).djvu/463

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  1. Aberdeen, Lord, Prime Minister, 240, 245, 276.
  2. Adelaide, Queen, 69, 147.
  3. Albert, Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 51–53, 129 et seq.; appointed Regent, 161; biographies of, 313–318; birth and parentage, 134; growing power and influence, 167 et seq.; ignored by Palmerston, 207–208; last illness and death, 292–296; last years of, 253 et seq.; marriage to Queen Victoria, 152; memorials and monuments, 318–326; opposes Palmerston's policy, 220–235; plans "Great Exhibition," 196 et seq.; Private Secretary to the Queen, 187–188; references to, 385, 386, 402–406; remarkable triumph of, 202; reorganization of Royal household, 181–187; restored to popular favor, 252; tributes by British statesmen, 298–300; unpopular with upper classes, 204–206; violent outburst against, 241 et seq.; visits to London, 51–63; 132–134.
  4. Albert dock, opening of, 196.
  5. Albert Memorial Hall, 320, 328.
  6. Aldershot, 270, 352.
  7. Alexander, Prince, 49.
  8. Alexander, Prince of Battenberg, 383–389.
  9. America, civil war in, 292–293.
  10. Amorbach, 23, 30.
  11. Anglo–Russian War, 359.
  12. Anson, George, 148, 155, 166.
  13. Arnold, Dr., 40.
  14. Augustus, Prince, 1, 2, 50, 51.
  15. Austria, 235–237, 311.
  16. Balmoral Castle, 264–265, 277, 305, 357, 369, 390–391, 408; life of Royal family at described, 265–268.
  17. Balmoral House, 262.
  18. Beaconsfield, Earl, see Disraeli.
  19. Beaconsfield, Lady, 344.
  20. Beards for British sailors, 333–334.
  21. Bedford, Duke of, (footnote) 96.
  22. Belgium, 21, 46, 106, 108.
  23. Bismarck, 274, 309, 387, 388.
  24. Brandon, Lady, 89.
  25. Bronte, Charlotte, quoted, 176.
  26. Brown, John, 371–375, 413.
  27. Brougham, 2, 32–33.
  28. Buckingham Palace, 75, 77, 79, 111, 173, 181–185, 378, 383.
  29. Buggins, Lady Cecilia, 9.
  30. Cadiz, Duke of, 213, 217.
  31. Cambridge, Duke of, 8–9.
  32. Canada, 10, 94–95, 226.
  33. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 41, 67, 68, 100, 201.
  34. Carleton House, 35.
  35. Caroline, Lady, 84–85, 89.
  36. Cavour, 276
  37. Charlotte, Princess, 1–6, 12, 21, 77, 176.
  38. Chartism, 338.
  39. Chester, Dean of, 44.
  40. Claremont, 4, 5, 7, 45, 67.
  41. Clarence, Duchess of, 25, 30, 31.
  42. Clarence, Duke of, 8–9, 13, 15, 16; accession to the throne, 38; marriage of, 18.
  43. Clarendon, Lord, 228, 240, 245, 298, 330.
  44. Clarke, Sir James, 112, 113, 149, 151, 294.
  45. "Coburg Trust," 214.
  46. Colonial and Indian Exposition, 382.
  47. Congress of Berlin, 364.
  48. Congress of Vienna, 3, 327.