Page:RESTRICT Act (S. 686, as introduced).pdf/22

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foreign adversary if the Secretary finds that the foreign government or regime is engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons.

(2) Removal of designation.—The Secretary may, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, remove the designation of any foreign government or regime as a foreign adversary, including any foreign government or regime identified in section 2(8), if the Secretary finds that the foreign government or regime is no longer engaged in a long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national or economic security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons in a manner that would warrant designation as a foreign adversary.

(b) Notice.—Not later than 15 days before the date on which the Secretary makes or removes a designation under subsection (a), the Secretary shall, by classified communication, notify the President pro tempore, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, and the relevant committees of Congress, in writing, of the intent to designate a foreign government or regime