Page:RMBallantyne--Martin Rattler.djvu/221

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Savage feasts and ornaments—Martin grows desperate, and makes a bold attempt to escape.

Hunting and feasting were the chief occupa- tions of the men of the tribe with whom Martin sojourned. One day Martin was told that a great feast was to take place, and he was permitted to attend. Accordingly, a little before the appointed time he hastened to the large hut in and around which the festivities were to take place, in order to witness the preparations.

The first thing that struck him was that there seemed to be no preparations making for eating ; and on inquiry he was told that they did not meet to eat, they met to drink and dance those who were hungry might eat at home. The preparations for drinking were made on an extensive scale by the women, a number of whom stood round a large caldron, preparing its contents for use. These women wore very little clothing, and their bodies, besides being