Page:RMBallantyne--Martin Rattler.djvu/55

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The voyage— A pirate, chase, wreck, and escape.

Time reconciles a man to almost anything. In the course of time Martin Rattler became re- conciled to his fate, and went about the ordinary duties of a cabin-boy on board the Firefly just as if he had been appointed to that office in the ordinary way- -with the consent of the owners and by the advice of his friends. The captain, Skinflint by name, and as surly an old fellow as ever walked a quarter-deck, agreed to pay him wages a if he behaved well." The steward, under whose immediate authority he was placed, turned out to be a hearty, good- natured young fellow, and was very kind to him. But Martin's great friend was Barney O'Flannagan, the cook, with whom he spent many an hour in the night watches, talking over plans, and prospects, and retrospects, and foreign lands.

As Martin had no clothes except those on his back, which fortunately happened to be new and good,