Page:RMBallantyne--Martin Rattler.djvu/70

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An enchanting land—An uncomfortable bed, and a queer breakfast—Many surprises and a few frights, together with a notable discovery.

"I've worked in paradise!"

Such was the exclamation that aroused Martin Rattler on the morning after his landing on the coast of South America. It was uttered by Barney O'Flan- nagan, who lay at full length on his back, his head propped up by a root of the tree under which they had slept, and his eyes staring right before him with an expression of concentrated amazement. When Martin opened his eyes, he too was struck dumb with surprise. And well might they gaze with astonish- ment ; for the last ray of departing daylight on the night before had nickered over the open sea, and now the first gleam of returning sunshine revealed to them the magnificent forests of Brazil.

Yes, well might they gaze and gaze again in boundless admiration; for the tropical sun shone down on a scene of dazzling and luxuriant vegetation, so