Page:Rabindranath Tagore - A Biographical Study.djvu/168

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government in the George Junior Republic of America, that it came to be the rule at Bolpur that the boys should be left as much as possible to themselves, and manage their own affairs without any interference from outside.

The boys elect a captain for every week, who sees that order is kept, and the boys have to obey him implicitly. Under the captain are many sub-captains, also elected, who have each under their special charge a group of six or seven boys whom they have to look after. There is a sort of court of justice held that sits every night. Breaches of conduct on the part of any member of the school are brought before it for trial. It is only extreme and difficult cases that the teachers themselves have to deal with, and such only occur very rarely.

One of the most remarkable effects of the religious spirit in which the school is carried on is that no great distinction exists between the teachers and pupils of Shanti Niketan; all are learners together, all are endeavouring to follow the one rising path. Public opinion, as expressed and felt by the boys, has its influence on the teachers as well. Punishment takes the form of a complete boycott of the offender, who is reinstated at once on confession of his fault; corporal punishment of any description is absolutely forbidden.