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One Pater noster, ten Ave Maria, and one Gloria Patri, and so on in all the Mysteries.

2. In the Second joyful Mystery we meditate how, when Mary heard that Elizabeth was pregnant, she went to her house to visit her, and stayed with her three months.

3. In the Third joyful Mystery we meditate how, when the full time of Mary's delivery was come, she brought forth, in the city of Bethlehem, our Saviour Jesus Christ at midnight, and laid Him in a manger between two brute beasts.

4. In the Fourth joyful Mystery we meditate how most holy Mary, on the day of her Purification, presented Christ our Lord in the Temple, and placed Him in the arms of the holy old man Simeon.

5. In the Fifth joyful Mystery we meditate how the Virgin Mary lost her Son, sought for Him three days, and at the end of the third day found Him in the Temple amid the doctors, holding at twelve years of age disputation with them.

The Sorrowful Mysteries.

1. In the First sorrowful Mystery we meditate how our Lord Jesus Christ prayed in the garden of Olivet, and sweated blood.

2. In the Second sorrowful Mystery we meditate how our Lord Jesus Christ was cruelly scourged in Pilate's house, and had countless blows laid upon Him.

3. In the Third sorrowful Mystery we meditate how our Lord Jesus Christ was crowned with sharp thorns.

4. In the Fourth sorrowful Mystery we meditate