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worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of angels and of man; Heart most like the Heart of Jesus, whose most perfect image thou art; Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate towards our miseries,—vouchsafe to thaw our icy hearts, and change them to the likeness of the Heart of Jesus. Infuse into them the love of thy virtues, inflame them with that blessed fire with which thou dost ever burn. In thee let the Holy Church find safe shelter; be thou its guardian, and its ever-sweet asylum, its tower of strength, impregnable against the inroads of its enemies. Be thou the road leading to Jesus; be thou the channel whereby we receive all graces needful for our salvation. Be thou our help in need, our comfort in trouble, our strength in temptation, our refuge in persecution, our aid in dangers; but most in the last struggle of our life, at the moment of our death, when all hell shall be unchained against us to snatch away our souls,—in that dread moment, that hour so terrible, whereon hangs our endless doom, ah, then, most tender Virgin, do thou make us sensible how great is the sweetness of thy Mother's Heart, and the power of thy might with Jesu's Heart, opening to us in the very fount of mercy itself a safe refuge, that so one day we too may join with thee in paradise in praising Jesu's Heart for ever and for ever. Amen.


May the Divine Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be known, praised, blessed, loved, worshipped, and glorified always and in all places. Amen.