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1 Cor. ix. 24.

So run that ye may obtain.

HEAVEN is that which every one desireth yet but very few do obtain that glory. Man eminent professors drop short of a welcome from God into this pleasant place: therefore, sit no still, and wish for heaven, but run for it-so run that ye may obtain. As if the Apostle should say some, because they would not lose their soul begin to run betimes, apace, with patience, the right way: do you so run. Some run from friend and companions, and this that they may have the crown: do you so run. Some run through goo report and evil report, that they may win the pearl: do you so run. So run that ye may obtain.

These words are taken from men's running fi a wager: a very apt similitude to set before the saints; know you not that they who run in a race run all, but one obtaineth the prize? So run the you may obtain. That is, be sure you win as we as run.

The doctrine I do find in the words of the teacher is this: they that will have heaven, must run for it: I say, “they that will have heaven must run for it." I beseech you to heed it well. The prize is heaven, and if you will have it, you must run for it. You have another scripture, Heb. xii. I us lay aside every weight, and the sin which