Page:Race for eternal life.pdf/23

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to the poor, he was denied a drop of water in hell.

O that all uncharitable persons would steep their thoughts in a serious meditation of those things; and as they desire to prevent those judgments which accompany all merciless men, they would put in for a share in the mercies of the merciful, and to that end, would put on bowels of pity and compassion towards the wants and miseries of God's distressed ones, and stretch forth an helping hand towards their relief.


It is observed, that they are richest merchants land citizens who trade boldly: whereas they who are fearful to adventure their goods, have but small returns. In like manner, it is found by experience, that such Christians as are most forward to supply the wants of the poor, boldly adventuring their goods upon the waters, do most of all thrive, and prosper in the world. Why then will any man be so unwise, as to lose his riches for fear of losing them? and not rather seem to lose them that he may in truth find them? these earthly things are assuredly lost by keeping, and kept by well bestowing them.

I hope you will pardon my zeal in pressing this duty of charity upon you: I do assure you, it is not out of any design to take any thing from yourselves, and children, but only to shew you the surest and safest way of thriving in the world; and how you may entail God's blessing upon your