Page:Rachel (1887 Nina H. Kennard).djvu/114

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Chapter XI.


Rachel attained her majority in the year 1842, and became a free agent, to live where she pleased and spend her fortune as she chose. It was currently reported that, although by her genius and exertions the Félix family had been raised to a comparatively brilliant position, and though her money educated the younger children, and clothed, housed, and fed them all, "le père aux écus" only allowed her 300 francs a month for her dress, including theatrical costumes and pocket-money. This sum she found altogether inadequate, and had frequently begged her father to increase it, which he persistently refused to do. As soon, therefore, as she was legally entitled to the disposal of the large salary she was making, at the instigation of a male friend, who was then all powerful, she left her parents' house, and installed herself in an apartment on the Quai Voltaire, which she furnished at her own expense, leaving them in undisturbed possession of the apartment in the Rue du Luxembourg and all it contained.