Page:Rachel (1887 Nina H. Kennard).djvu/129

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You have many curios, keep this medal belonging to a deputy of the year 1848. Some day it might amuse people to tell the story. It is rather in the style of Scribe's Verre d'Eau. After mature deliberation, I think it better to suppress names.

Rachel never abstained, for the sake of a good story, from turning the laugh against herself. Among the curious letters which she received in the course of her theatrical career, was the following one. She had complained that the chief of the claque had not awarded her enough applause, and he expostulated as follows:—


I cannot remain under the obloquy of a reproach from lips such as yours. The following is an authentic statement of what occurred: at the first representation I led the attack in person not less than thirty-three times. We had three acclamations, four hilaritios, two thrilling movements, four renewals of applause, and two indefinite explosions. In fact, to such an extent did we carry our applause, that the occupants of the stalls were scandalised, and cried, "Turn them out!" My men were positively exhausted with fatigue, and even intimated to me that they could not again go through such an evening. Seeing this was the case, I applied for the MS., and after having profoundly studied the piece, I was obliged to make up my mind to certain curtailments in the service of my men. I, however, only applied them to MM. ——, and if the ad interim office I hold affords me the opportunity, I will make them ample amends. In such a situation as I have just depicted, I have only to request you to believe firmly in my profound admiration and respectful zeal; and I venture to entreat you to have some consideration for the difficulties that environ me.

When it was decided to do away with the claque of the Théâtre Français in 1871, some of the older members, "Les Romains," recalled the reminiscences of past times in conversation with the manager, and mentioned Rachel with tears in their eyes.

It is very difficult to form an accurate estimate of the personal character of Rachel, Frenchmen who, as biographers, are generally impartial and calm judging,