Page:Rachel (1887 Nina H. Kennard).djvu/20

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freshness of expression, we give this one in its original French:—

Mon bon Maître,

Vous m'excuserai si je ne viens pas prendre ma leçon parce que je vais au Bois de Boulogne. Mais j'étais très fatigué. Maman, m'a amenè au baint, et aprés je suis rentré à la maison j'ai dejeuné, et me suis couché. Ah ne me grondez pas, car je ne pouvez pas sortir!


In spite of differences of opinion between master and pupil, however, Rachel always cherished a feeling of affection for Choron. We find her, in 1840, when the little girl who was "neither apt nor industrious" had risen to the zenith of her fame, and was making Europe thrill with her name, writing thus to M. Laurentie:—

Sir, 9th February 1840.

I have only for the first time to-day read a work that you published in 1838, entitled Fragments de Morale et de Littérature. I very much regret not having seen it before, but I have only lately eared for study or devoted myself to reading. I cannot delay, Monsieur, telling you of the delight your Chapter on M. Choron caused me. He was my first master, and his memory is very dear to me. You have described him exactly. His numerous pupils, who all remember him with affection, owe you a great debt of gratitude. I hope you will at least allow me to pay mine, and accept my most respectful thanks.