Page:Rachel (1887 Nina H. Kennard).djvu/231

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Chapter XIX.


Rachel returned to Paris, and, on the 1st July 1857, ceased to belong officially to the Théâtre Français. In her letter of resignation she does not attempt to stipulate for any terms or continuance of her salary:—

À Monsieur Empis,

Administrateur Général de la Comédie Française,

J'ai le regret profond de vous annoncer que ma santé ne me permet pas d'esperer ma rentrée prochaine au Théâtre Français. J'accepterai donc ce que la comité decidera à l'égard de ma retraite.

Agreez, &c.

The very brevity of this letter shows that Rachel herself looked upon it as a supreme farewell to her artistic career. It was accompanied by a doctor's certificate, to the effect that, although her health had improved, she could not reappear on the stage for some time, and must spend the winter in the south of France.

Meantime she quitted her hotel in the Rue Trudon, and established herself in an apartment in the Place Royale. "It is on the way to Père Lachaise," she said, with a smile, "and my friends will have more room here on the day of my funeral."